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Durham School Board 'Inadvertently' Distributes Names of Unvaccinated Staff

January 12, 2022

The Durham District School Board mistakenly sent out emails with the names of 800 employees who aren’t vaccinated for COVID-19.

The board says that on Jan. 5, an e-mail on rapid test compliance was sent to roughly 400 school board employees who have said that they are unvaccinated or prefer not to disclose.

“As part of this e-mail, a spreadsheet containing a list of those in the unvaccinated or prefer not to disclose category was inadvertently attached,” the board said in a statement. “Once we realized this, we took action to delete all of the emails from the recipients’ inboxes.”

The board has reported there are approximately 800 employees in the category of unvaccinated or fail to disclose.

“This incident should not have happened, and we have notified, apologized to and followed-up with the approximately 800 employees that were impacted. The DDSB takes our responsibility to protect the personal information of all employees very seriously and we sincerely regret that this incident occurred,” the board said, adding it is committed to preventing a similar incident from occurring.

“We have discussed this incident to ensure there is a clear understanding of the critical importance of verifying that emails do not contain attachments of this nature and of the need to protect this type of information.”

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